What’s new in the Gaiha Lab?

New additions to the lab:

New additions to the lab:


The lab turns 2!

We recently celebrated our second birthday!

MARCH 2022

We were featured in the Boston Globe!

Our work towards creating a universal coronavirus vaccine was featured.

FALL 2023 - EARLY 2024

We welcome Aljawharah, a postdoctoral fellow, and Ming, our lab manager, to the lab!


The first annual Gaiha Lab retreat!

We recently congregated at Gaurav’s house to discuss science and bond over homemade pizza, lawn games, and a bouncy castle!


We welcome Subeksha, a technician, and Cristina, our first post-bac student, to the lab!

APRIL 2023

World Vaccine Congress

A subset of the lab attended the World Vaccine Congress in Washington, D.C. Gaurav led a workshop on progress towards and HIV cure, and Alton, Anusha, Matt, and Fernando attended various sessions on HPV, HIV, EBV, and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapeutics.