Gaurav Gaiha

BS University of Illinois at Chicago

DPhil Oxford University

MD Harvard Medical School


Dr. Gaurav D. Gaiha, MD, DPhil, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Attending Physician in the Division of Gastroenterology at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). He received his D.Phil in Biochemistry from Oxford University as a Clarendon Scholar and his MD magna cum laude from the Health Sciences and Technology (HST) program at Harvard Medical School and MIT. He trained in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at MGH before completing his post-doctoral research fellowship at the Ragon Institute.

Dr. Gaiha is a recipient of the NIAID New Innovators DP2 Award (2020), the Gilead HIV Scholars Research Award (2020), the Burroughs Wellcome Career Award for Medical Scientists (2019) and New Investigator Awards from the Collaboratory of AIDS Vaccine Discovery and Consortia for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Development. He also received the Fellows Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching from the MGH Department of Medicine.

His hobbies include running after his two daughters, Myla and Neia, and occasionally his yellow laborador Charlie.